Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hot-Head-Balloon - Version 1.12

So here's an update on the progress of our yelling/shouting based game. I've done a fair bit in terms of gameplay (adding score system/game over rules etc).

We had a good discussion+testing session today, and somebody will post about all the new ideas and plans we have for the game above this. look up ^ there for information.


-Added coins (collect for points)
-Added mines (kill the player)
-Added Main Menu, contains instructions
-Added Game Over screen. Displays score and gives option to return to Main Menu or Play Again
-Implemented a Timer
-Implemented Game Over rules. If the player hits the ground or a mine they will get a game over
-Implemented a Score counter. 1 point is recieved every second the player is alive, they can also collect 3 points by picking up coins
-Some slight adjustments to the interface

-If the player shouts into the mic (lets call this chunk of input Shout1) before they enter the actual game, the microphone volume will add whatever the player shouts whilst playing the game to Shout1, resulting in the balloon rising at a massive rate. [I think I know the cause]
-Game Over screen not displaying score counter correctly. [simple fix]

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